How does OEM motorized instrument table for Topcon?

Posted by Admin / 21 September, 2022 /

Before 2003, Topcon used to buy the table named Topo from one Chinese factory, but the reliability is not that good. particularly in higher load. Later, the boss of Beijing Visum, which is also the general distributor of Topcon in China, approached Topcon and offer another alternative option table. that is how the Jack Pro(AIT-16) gets started.


After rounds of discussion and plenty of changes made to the tables, 2 years later the AIT-16 is eventually finalized and approved by Topcon and its mass production started, and once it is presented to the market, it got the recognition from the distributors and end users all over the world.


For over 15 years, the AIT-16 has become a very classic table which stands up to the test of the market, and has continuously gained the interests and recognition from the doctors and distributors worldwide.


By 2019, due to some reason between Topcon Japan and the Beijing Visum, the OEM on AIT-16 was officially closed, Topcon no longer carries it. Instead, they look for an alternative replacement unit, however, the alternative replacement unit does not work well as expected.


On other other hand, Hongdee and its factory took over the instrument table line from Beijing Visum, and continue the production of the whole line of instrument tables. and has been exporting them worldwide. due to the high quality and reliability, more and more distributors have joined Hongdee in distributing the tables to the doctors, clinics and eye hospitals etc.




In 2020, after receiving many complaints of the alternative replacement table, Topcon USA approached Hongdee to resume the discussion on carrying the AIT-16 again. hence the cooperation on the AIT-16 has officially started between Topcon USA and Hongdee.


After receiving the sample unit and making detailed evaluation and re-affirmed that it is exactly the same model as sold before, Topcon USA gave a green light to this table and sent the 1st official PO to Hongdee, meanwhile, the application for the ETL and CE certificate was also officially initiated to make sure it fully complies the regulations by the relevant authorities. Hongdee has been totally cooperative in coordinating everything to make sure the requests from Topcon gets fully satisfied


At the same year of 2020, Topcon Singapore also started cooperating with Hongdee on the AIt-16. table, and the sales was very productive


Till now, the OEM project on the AIt-16 has been very productive and successful. and more items are also under discussion to enhance the cooperation for the sake of mutual benefits.

